
HopeWorks Station Phase II

Together we’re creating a model that is benefitting our community.”

Ed Peterson, Founding Executive Director of both Housing Hope and HopeWorks

Capacity for Hope: Site preparation for a new mixed-use residential building

DCI’s civil engineering team supported the HopeWorks Phase II project, a five-story mixed-use low income residential building in Everett, Washington. The 67,361-sf building comprises of four levels of wood framed floors which will have a total of 170 living units. Two levels of concrete make up the at-grade and below-grade levels. Since the project is located near the Everett Transit Center, the facility is considered a transit oriented development.

The DCI civil team identified the required utility services and frontage improvements to facilitate the construction of the building. They assessed the existing utility infrastructure and provided preliminary design for the site. The engineers interfaced with the City of Everett staff to comply to erosion control measures and permit documentation formalities.

Location Pin Icon
Everett, Washington
Cube Measurments Icon
Square Feet:
Building Icon
Geometric Shapes Icon
Pie Chart Icon
Commercial, Multi-Family Residential
Material Shapes Icon
Primary Material:
Concrete, Wood

Project Highlights

  • Development is close to public transportation.
  • Efficient project team collaboration allowed the mixed-use building to be constructed in 14 months.
  • Staff investigated options to address the existing slope on the west side of the site.
  • Identified the existing water main needed to be relocated.
  • Accomplished a storm drainage plan to work in conjunction with new impervious surfaces on the site.

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