
Oklahoma University Headington Hall

With their innovative ideas, budget mindedness, and consistent execution quality, DCI is a valuable partner. Those qualities made it an easy choice when it came time to select a design partner for the fast-track collaborative nature of the OU Headington Hall mixed-use student living center.”

Marc Rahimzadeh from Diversakore

OU Headington Hall: Providing services for a fast-track student housing project

DCI Engineers served as a structural specialty engineer for the Diversakore building system utilized on this student housing project. This hybrid system blends the strength of concrete with the erection time of structural steel, allowing for faster construction schedule, thinner floor-to-floor heights, and large open spans.

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Norman, Oklahoma
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Higher Education
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Project Highlights

  • Includes two and four-bed units totaling approximately 380 beds.
  • Project includes state-of-the art central dining facility, computer labs, seminar rooms, and a faculty-in-residence unit. The facility also contains a penthouse and ground floor retail.
  • Utilized the Diversakore system, which utilizes a patented framing system that couples the speed of steel with the strength of concrete.
  • Completed on an extremely aggressive schedule; structural framing construction saved a month of construction schedule.

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